FTOTW97 – best links of the week ending 29-September-2013


Here are the best links shared on my tweet stream this week.

Best Links

  1. Critiquing clayton christensen’s theory http://t.co/l5KOFoWfNU by @monkbent ~ brilliant /Via @SmartBriefOriginal Tweet

  2. Ramona Pierson’s comeback odyssey http://t.co/5xuNEruQjx ~ brilliant, moving and inspiring /Via @economictimes-newspaper – Original Tweet

  3. Why we need to be relentlessly boring to succeed http://t.co/2ADtSqlOXK ~ brilliant /Via @janupapuOriginal Tweet

  4. RT @Competia: Innovation: Reinvented Wheels Take the Air Out of Your Tires. http://t.co/Jgbpg1n2Wo ~ vv cool – Original Tweet

  5. RT @rossdawson @MikeGotta: How Google Taught Itself Good Design By Farhad Manjoo http://t.co/IC2guEmHNe via @FastCoDesign ~ vv interesting – Original Tweet

  6. RT @work_matters: Diego flashes his creativity. How I Hire: Think Like Indiana Jones | LinkedIn http://t.co/5gxS5n3dZ0 ~ vv insightful – Original Tweet


Hope enjoyed the links? Did you come across any good links you want to share? Please share in the comments below.


I use a certain ratings scale for my annotations which are explained here.


  1. Quote
    Peer Mohamed said October 1, 2013, 3:08 am:


    Thanks for the links.

    here is one which i found interesting

    The Man Who Saved the World by Doing Absolutely Nothing

    link to tweet:

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