FTOTW32 – best links of the week ending 25-March-2012


Here are the best links shared on my tweet stream this week.

Best Links

  1. rsukumar: RT @PriyaRaju: India & its Kakonomics – FTOTW Link 20601 via @ksrikrishna ~ ****ing brilliant. Explanation for “Indian Standards”?

  2. rsukumar: RT @GarethIdeas: Did the first Americans come from Europe, not Asia? The Solutrean hypothesis FTOTW Link 20602 ~ amazing

  3. rsukumar: RT @pamelamaeross: great post about culture of innovation! @MattMonge: Speaking of Jay-Z… 🙂 FTOTW Link 20603 ~ brilliant

  4. rsukumar: /Via @vhariraj: The Neuroscience of Your Brain On Fiction: FTOTW Link 20604 by @anniemurphypaul ~ vv interesting

  5. rsukumar: RT @parvathimenon: Work – Life ‘integration’ – not just ‘balance’: FTOTW Link 20605 ~ vv insightful

  6. rsukumar: RT @investoralist: Efforts vs. passion, from @mcuban FTOTW Link 20606 ~ vv insightful

  7. rsukumar: RT @planemad: How the happiest people in the world spend their money FTOTW Link 20607 (via @sangeetab86) ~ vv insightful

  8. rsukumar: RT @arunavabose: Ever wondered how a dolphin (or other sea mammal) sleep without drowning? FTOTW Link 20608 ~ vv interesting

  9. rsukumar: Toronto Hospital Using Kinect To Help Surgeons Call Up Images During Operations FTOTW Link 20609 ~ vv cool /Via @lizasisler

  10. rsukumar: RT @mindkhichadi: Why Working More Than 40 Hours a Week is Useless : FTOTW Link 20610 ~ vv interesting

  11. rsukumar: RT @4KM @garybcohen Novelty to Tackle Workplace Problems FTOTW Link 20611 ~ vv insightful


Hope enjoyed the links? Did you come across any good links you want to share? Please share in the comments below.


I use a certain ratings scale for my annotations which are explained here.


  1. Quote

    All of the above were good.
    Kakonomincs was good – It was a insightful article . I was reminded of your statement that we get satisfied easily. 😉
    I liked the employee engagement and Innovation article a lot. But creative that elusive employee engagement is not a easy nut to crack !!
    Be more mindful of what money can buy – In the indian context – we do think , rethink before buying anything , but we splurge when it comes to gold, which again is kept in the bank locker…This tendency of ours is so tough to explain and tough to break as well.

  2. Quote
    Sreedhar said March 26, 2012, 12:23 pm:


    The dolphin link doesn’t work.

  3. Quote
    Sukumar (subscribed) said March 26, 2012, 1:10 pm:

    Thanks Veena. Yes kakonomics explains our mindset very well. India’s gold obsession is a big problem because it locks up investments into unproductive assets.

  4. Quote
    Sukumar (subscribed) said March 26, 2012, 1:12 pm:

    Sorry for the inconvenience. There maybe a bug in the automated software that I use to create this post. Next time this happens, click on the rsukumar at the front of each post, which will take you to the original tweet that I posted. From there you can access the original link. I tried that for the Dolphin link and it works.

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