The UnLeadership Manifesto – making of the 21st century leader – part 1
Filed in Management, July 26, 2008, 10:49 am by SukumarTweetProlog Leadership of every hue and cry has been covered in over 437, 869 book titles available on alone (Search for Leader). Not to speak of countless blog posts, magazine and newspaper articles on the subject. Judging from the reams of material that has been written and from personal experience, Leadership is a tough […]
Fellini’s Ghost, Save Me!
Filed in General Interest,Movies,Reviews, July 20, 2008, 10:43 am by Priya RajuTweetI’m a movie fiend. When I watch a movie, I very thirstily & feverishly deconstruct its building blocks – Casting, Screen Play, Background Score, Dialog Delivery, Costumes et al. I’m passionately in love with movies. When I was a kid, I yearned to make movies. I used to stand before a mirror & emote, observing […]
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Filed in General Interest,Humor, July 11, 2008, 10:03 pm by Priya RajuTweetThe world exists to annoy me. I’ve noticed to my chagrin some people signing-off their email with pithy aphorisms.”War is the science of destruction” or “You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of”. As if I care. What happened? Are Bumper Stickers not haute enough this season? When […]
What is patriotism?
Filed in General Interest, July 7, 2008, 10:34 am by Ganesh VaideeswaranTweet Recently read an excellent article on Time about what patriotism means in America – both from Republican and Liberal point of view. As per the author, for the conservatives, patriotism is not a choice and it is like love for your family – you inherit it and do not question it. Conservatives talk a […]
Celebrating 4 years of blogging!
Filed in General Interest, July 6, 2008, 3:17 pm by SukumarTweetUpdated July 10, 2008 : This post has been Desipundited. Thanks a lot Patrix. —- Prolog I generally avoid milestone posts, but i could not resist this one. Last week, on June 27, 2008, we completed 4 years on this blog. During that time, we have written 497 posts and received 2,851 comments. Just 3 posts away from […]