FTOTW – Tests Fail, Genius, Khan Academy, Innovation Snobs, Worst Career Advice…
In case you missed the previous week’s edition where i explained the new strategy for this series.
1. RT @jonahlehrer: Why most tests in life, from the SAT to the NFL Combine, fail to predict what matters http://on.wsj.com/g3VjmO ~ brilliant
2. /via @krishvenkatesh Michael Schrage delivers a smackdown on the Innovation snobs http://s.hbr.org/i18c3g ~ vv insightful
3. /via @yarapavan: How to get to Genius? – its about unusual/rare perspectives http://j.mp/eoYDHs ~ brilliant
4. RT @AMAnet: The Worst Career Advice: Do What You Love. (@PenelopeTrunk; BNET) #Career | http://ow.ly/4oFrr ~ vv insightful
5. Salman Khan of Khan Academy at TED 2011 http://t.co/B1nJlQd ~ as a fan of methodological innovation this is #$!#ing brilliant
Any feedback on this edition?
I use a certain ratings scale for my annotations which are explained here.