2nd Innings – Part 2
Filed in Fiction, April 29, 2011, 10:00 am by Priya RajuTweet“Sir, Sir”, sang a dulcet voice. Kumari wiped her hands in her sari and hurried to the front door. A doe-eyed, tall, lissome girl was waiting on the threshold. “Yes, what do you need?”, Kumari asked the radiant vision in a neatly pressed Salwar suit. The girl superbly ignored her, her restless eyes darting hither […]
2nd Innings – Part 1
Filed in Fiction, April 26, 2011, 3:02 pm by Priya RajuTweetThe train was slowly pulling out of the station, shrieking with gusto. Two figures were trotting along the train – a young man in an easy sprint and a not-so young woman in a slow jog. “This is our compartment, get in”, shouted Muthu jumping into the train with the ease of young, supple limbs. […]
FTOTW – Sitting Lethal, Revolutionary, Memes, Positive Deviants, Teach Math..
Filed in General Interest, April 24, 2011, 7:00 pm by SukumarTweetFine Tastings of the Week – the best links i tweeted last week. 1. RT @ambercadabra @jonathanfields: YIKES – Is Sitting a Lethal Activity? New research suggests yes – NYT –http://rdd.me/ynh4mwdn ~ brilliant 2. RT @lisahickey: How to be a revolutionary — learn the rules faster. By the brilliant @penelopetrunk ~ http://bit.ly/hLL34n ~ vv insightful 3. RT @rossdawson: James […]
FTOTW – Self Control, Turtle GPS!, Sugar Toxic, African Mother Language…
Filed in General Interest, April 17, 2011, 12:11 pm by SukumarTweetFine Tastings of the Week 1. RT @ArchanaRaghuram @sciam: most popular on the site now: “How Self-Control Works” by @danariely ~ vv insightful 2. RT @berkun When did girls start wearing pink & boys blue? http://j.mp/i2P6re it used to be reverse http://j.mp/ebHrBo ~ vv interesting 3. RT @sibubk @jeffpalmer: Yikes. Pretty interesting stuff. NYTimes: Is […]
FTOTW – Superstar Effect, Giftedness, Biomimicry, Teaching B Students….
Filed in General Interest, April 10, 2011, 8:45 am by SukumarTweetSome of the best links i shared last week. Hope you enjoy it. It will be very helpful to me if you comment and let me know if you agree with my ratings. For example, if i tagged something “brilliant”, do you agree with it? 1. RT @jackerhack: Why Joel Spolsky never lets employees negotiate a […]